Thursday, April 30, 2009

- In Cunnamulla

Cunnamulla, QLD - Australia

I'll be spending the next few days in downtown Cunnamulla (pop. approximately 1,217) helping some friends . . . then on Sunday I'll be on the plane to Brisbane, then on my way back to the USA.

I did spend time down in the mine digging and sweating . . . and, luckily, finding. The jackhammer did lead me to some pretty rocks. It really is quite a rush to discover and liberate these rare and beautiful stones. Mother nature does some amazing work.

This was a quick trip - only 5 weeks. It is a bit frustrating to open the mine, clean things up, pull out the generators, get the cutting equipment set-up, etc etc and then, just a few weeks later, have to go through the entire process in reverse - but that's what happens with a short trip. The mine shaft is closed and the generators will be quiet until I return in maybe a month or two.

As I previously mentioned my PoO (Plan of Operations) was approved. The use of an excavator has been approved. Now I need to wait for the excavator. It appears at the very latest an excavator will be digging on my lease in early September. There is some possibility digging will occur earlier. Once the open-cut begins, I expect to be smiling. Several folks have asked about the digging process - I hope to give you a few details soon.

Koroit has been very quiet. It appears that it will be a very quiet season in Koroit - not much mining and not much production - very little treasure coming out of the ground. . . . which is a bit funny, because even though most other miners will not be digging and producing this season, it looks like there is a very a good chance this could be the year of my greatest production of gorgeous opal.

stay tuned, I'll keep you informed . . .


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