Friday, April 23, 2010

- A few more opals . . . and lots of rain

Palm Harbor, FL USA

Here are a few opals I've recently cut:

The mining season in Koroit is just starting. The big news from the desert is water - since around Christmas it has rained and rained and rained and flooded in southwest Queensland. Apparently there was more rain and more water than at any time in recorded history. Luckily it appears my mine is ok.

Friends have told me it's greener in and around Koroit and Cunnamulla than they have ever seen before. It sounds pretty. However, all of that water will mean many things are growing and reproducing - grasses and other plants, mice, those who eat mice - like snakes . . . and the kangaroos will over-populate. It's an extreme ecosystem. The addition of a large amount of water will tip its delicate balance. All of that water could make the next couple of years rather interesting, unusual and potentially dangerous.

I'm eager to get out there and see it for myself.

I've made a few improvements to my website.
You might want to take a look:

Now off to show and sell a few beautiful opals!