Tuesday, October 13, 2009

- Bye bye Koroit

Cunnamulla, QLD - Australia

This morning I finished packing and closed the ming camp in Koroit and said goodbye at the end end of another mining season.

I'll try to fill in a few more details about the season when I get to Brisbane in a few days. It looks like you'll need to wait for the photos until I get back to the USA.

Yesterday while shaving (preparing to get back to civilization), something caught my eye, no not some disgusting hair growing out of my ear, but some peculiar critter on the floor not far from my foot. It was a 5 or 6 inch long colorful and nasty looking centipede which could have been a co-star on some episode of Star Trek. I was aware that these creatures bite and their bites are very painful and I won't even go into details about the resulting sweating and vomiting and the fact that often a few months after the bite a sizeable chunk of the area around the bite will fall off of your body. Luckily I was wearing my boots (don't you wear boots when you shave?) and even though it was an amazing and beautiful animal, I terminated it with extreme prejudice.

Now I need to get back on the road - heading east to the coast and civilization. Tonight I'll be spending the night in a hotel somewhere - with electricity and indoor plumbing and creature comforts and no centipedes.

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