Monday, September 7, 2009

- Digging in Koroit

Cunnamulla, QLD - Australia

For the past few days I've been helping my friend with his mining - he's been finding some very pretty material.

Within about a week the excavator should be moving over to my place to start digging there. It will take a few days to get down to the level (the layer where ironstone & opal are found) - the level at my mine is about 33 to 36 feet deep. Once we're down to the level the color will be exposed . . . I'm very excited to see what will be revealed.

I will try to keep you updated. Hopefully I'll be able to get some good or at least informative video and photos of the process.

The sun is back - it has been mostly clear with a few clouds here and there.

On the way to town this morning I saw the usual suspects - about 10 kangaroos and 5 emus . . . luckily I didn't hit any of them. I've seen several lizards including a few down in my mine, but luckily no snakes. This past winter was not very cold - so it appears many of the snakes did not go into their usual hibernation. Several of my friends have warned me that they have seen snakes around. So far, there have been none I have seen.

Dawn has been at work changing the look, layout and coloring of the blog - I think she's made good progress. As always her work and talent are appreciated greatly.

Off to get some groceries, give Dawn a call, then back to the mine.


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