Palm Harbor, FL - USAI'm back home, unpacked and back to work. However, I wanted to mention a few things about my recent trip to Tucson.
The number of buyers attending the shows in Tucson this year appeared to be significantly down from last year - and attendance last year was very low. Other dealers I spoke with agreed that attendance was down. It also was clear that the number of dealers was down.
However, in spite of the smaller number of buyers, I was very pleased with the results. The buyers who did show up were interested in buying opals and spent a few dollars.
On my last night in Tucson I went out for for dinner with Mauro (an Italian gemologist, stone wholesaler, dealer in antiquities, manufacturer of glass cameos and my next door neighbor in Tucson for over the last 10 years). We went to a very nice seafood restaurant (curious to eat seafood in Tucson) and met a few other folks for dinner. Among those at our table for dinner were a talented metalsmith who conducts hollowware workshops in Europe, an award winning gem cutter, a former editor of a major industry publication and a gentleman who once actually held the unset Hope diamond in his hand. Conversation that night was entertaining and the mahi-mahi I ordered was delicious.